Sunday 1 June 2014

top 5 most powerful boboiboy character

1.boboiboy gempa

BoBoiBoy Earthquake or BoBoiBoy Quake is the 2nd potential evolved form from BoBoiBoy Earth after BoBoiBoy Thunderstorm and BoBoiBoy Cyclone were defeated by Mukalakus. 

2. fang
Fang is the deuteragonist in BoBoiBoy. Fang was BoBoiBoy's rival and unlike BoBoiBoy,he always do fight just to become popular.

3. yaya yah
"Yaya is strong and has ability to fly. But there is just one problem, she doesn't like to fight because she is raised to be a very well-mannered girl. Yaya will only fight when there is no other option."
In her free time she likes to bake cookies / biscuits even though she is not very good at it. She likes to share her cookies with her friends but whenever anyone complains about her cookies she will be very angry that scares the whole group. And she also looks like a tiger when she got angry, according to Gopal.


Though initially believed that her power is Super Speed, but it's actually caused of Time Manipulation where everything but herself moves at a slow rate. Her speed is sometimes combined with other attacking methods to create a Super Speed Attack. For example: The Thousand Times Kick: she used it toattack Sleeping Monster in order to save Yaya (Episode 15). However, once she sneezes, she loses her power. She regains her power after sneezing again. Like Yaya and Gopal, Ying's power was also given by Ochobot in Episode 4. she was the third person who Ochobot gave powers. The reason behind the fact that she loses her powers by sneezing is unknown and not mentioned by Ejo Jo's computer

. Gopal A.R. Kumar is one of the characters that has powers, mainly, Molecule Manipulation that able to turn objects into food. Also, he is one of the main characters in BoBoiBoy. He is one of BoBoiBoy's friends

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